3:16 Haiku
All you need
is all I can give
love and prayers
Random Thoughts of a Catholic Husband, Father, Physician, Licensed Commercial Septic System Operator, Driving Instructor, Tractor Mechanic, Gardener, Deliverer of All Foods Carry-out, Amateur Book Reviewer, Neo-Texan, Novice Chicken Rancher, Beekeeper, and Writer of Really, Really Bad Poetry. I try to live up to Chesterton's observation that 'a thing worth doing is worth doing badly.'
I am a collector of things medical - where did you get those awesome toys from?!? Love it! (the Haiku, that is)
Thanks for stopping by. I wrote the haiku at 3:16 this morning, and that was where I was at the time - in the operating room.
That is a picture of a Playmobil set I got sometime in the mid-1990's. I eventually gave them to the kids. I found this picture on the internet when I googled images of 'operating room.'
God bless and have a great weekend. I am off for the next week, and I can't remember the last time I had a vacation and got to stay home.
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