I haven't played tag in years. When I was a little boy, I recall being the last one to catch - and so the game ended. I wasn't worth pursuing, I guess.
And I have avoided being tagged on these blog memes for years because so few people read this blog, and I have been too busy to come up with anything really funny/witty/intellectually stimulating recently. This is the busy season for pediatric anesthesiologists, with elective cases and trauma taking up a lot of my time. Then there are family obligations....
...and sleep. Glorious sleep!
Regardless, I had to respond to this meme, and subject five unsuspecting bloggers to the continuation of this version of the chain letter.
Mike in CT tagged me for the "Five Favorite Devotions" meme.
My five favorite devotions (in no particular order):
1. Holy Mass
2. The Rosary
3. Morning and Night Prayers with my whole family - when I am there.
4. Night Prayers and the Office of Readings
5. Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Let us see if these folks can keep this ball rolling:
Raulito at Disciple of the Dumb Ox.....go for a higher caliber than the AR-15, IMHO.
Dr. Matthew Doyle at Lacrimarum Valle.
Bridget at Our Magnum Opus
David at man with black hat
'Juniper' at defending my bean field
And now to step back and see the fur fly....